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MakerBazar.in Mod APK 3.3 (Mod speed)

v3.3 by Makerbazar
Download (56.36 MB)
Name MakerBazar.in MakerBazar.in is the most famous version in the MakerBazar.in series of publisher Rapid Acceleration Partners
Publisher Makerbazar
Genre Shopping
Size 56.36 MB
Version 3.3
Update December 30, 2024
MOD Game Speed Modifier
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Amidst the need of the hour to ideate new technologies and techniques for sustainability and development of our country. It is essential to empower and equip our future with the sense of innovating and presently cutting technologies. Hence, the education system demands restructuring or novel additions.

For the same purpose, We launched a new E-commerce platform i.e. MakerBazar or “https://www.makerbazar.in/". Your doorstep solution for all materials related to projects and innovations and DIYs. MakerBazar is an online store that provides all kinds of tools and resources for your DIY projects. From a stake to Micro-controllers and sensors, browse through a massive range of products and their variants. Tools of all kinds for prototyping, woodwork, or handheld, we ship it all. With a more efficient and quicker checkout process, place orders faster, while scrolling through DIY projects and products categorized under Aeromodelling, STEM Kits, Arts and Crafts, Robotics, etc. Look out for attractive offers you can't resist. Our shipping services are Pan India and have quality items you can't find elsewhere.

Download ( 56.36 MB )

You are now ready to download MakerBazar.in for free. Here are some notes:

  • Please check our installation guide.
  • To check the CPU and GPU of Android device, please use CPU-Z app
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All Versions

99459961e21472c17f067fac5681bdc6 Icon.png
MakerBazar.in Mod APK 3.3 (Mod speed) 3.3 MOD
9:44 am 56.36 MB

What's Mod:

Game Speed Modifier

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